Biggest tote bag ever with Colleen Babcock
November 18th from 9:30 to 3:00

Biggest Tote Bag Ever Class
 Colleen Babcock will teach the class Nov 18th, 2023 . The time will be 9:30am to 3:00pm There are only 12 spots available so please sign up and pay for the class as soon as possible.
The fee is $15.05 the added change is so that the payment can be tracked a little easier so please pay 15.05 when paying for the class. Also if possible add the class name to the memo of your check or online payment so we know what the money is for. I will add a wait list to the sign up sheet so if you sign up for the class but are not able to make it you will know who else is interested in the class and ask them if they would like to take your spot. If you have trouble signing up for the class in the google doc please email Annelies and I will add you to the list. This is such an beautiful bag!!
Link to the Biggest tote bag ever sign up sheet

Colleen Babcock taught the first Biggest Tote Bag Ever Class on Oct 1, 2022. The class was fun and a success. Look at all our beautiful bags that were made. Thanks Colleen for your great teaching and help!