By  Mary J
I made this quilt with my friend, Pat Rittenhouse from Tennessee.  Our mutual friend, Rose was hospitalized for over a month for a serious illness so we decided to make her a lap quilt and named it “Free as a Bird” because she felt terrible and was stuck in the hospital for such a long painful time.
Julie Hallquist and Kathy Kutansky helped me piece the blocks together after Pat paper pieced all the right facing birds and I paper pieced the left facing birds.  Julie pieced the black border as well.  Notice the black pieced border is broken so the birds are free!  We gave Rose the quilt when she was finally free as a bird and getting back to her old life in her own home.
Notice there are three colorful birds on the front of the quilt.  These birds represent our friendship.
The quilting is bird tracks!  Julie House from Green Valley quilted it for us.  Julie House is no longer long arm quilting for a living.